4.24.21 / 7:38pm
A few friends of mine from high school are currently attending G.O.D. and they have become completely different people. I have found it difficult to communicate/hard to converse when discussing real world issues or recent events, they are completely clueless. I have also taken notice of them casually putting down one another, but in extreme ways that come off as malicious—and in public spaces no less.
When a friend of mine wanted to visit for Christmas last year he was “required” to fill out a form stating where he would be going, where he would be staying the night, the phone numbers of those he would be staying with, and how long he would be gone. He is a grown man. Why do they need that type of information? When he arrived in town he only managed to hang out for about an hour or two before departing because his friends from the Institute had come to visit him. Why would they feel the need to visit him if they see each other almost every day of the year? They were clearly attempting to isolate him.
There are plenty of other occurrences I can think of where it was made obvious that the Institute had corrupted and manipulated the people who I used to have such a strong bond with. I’m heartbroken and I honestly just want them to escape this twisted cult before it’s too late.